If you are interested in acquiring a Bloom artwork for your museum or private collection please contact me for details.
This logarithmic spiral is furled and unfurled by pulling and releasing a string that passes through the inner radius of each section.
The spiral comes completely assembled, and includes a pull-knob. Just attach a string and you're ready to roll.
Available for purchase at Shapeways.
Give the Wheel Walker a gentle nudge and watch it smoothly "walk" across any flat surface - seeming to defy the laws of physics! When you're done taking it for a walk, just place it on its side to keep it from walking away. Wheel Walkers can also be stacked one top of the other.
Available for purchase at Shapeways.
HyperCycles is based on the Spirograph toy. HyperCycles is essentially a Spirograph inside a Spirograph. This configuration results in an additional periodicity, which allows for the creation of more complex curves, and less regular drawings.
HyperCycles is available for purchase at the National Museum of Mathematics' online store.